Archive for October 2nd, 2010

Session 3 part 1


Session 2

The matches in session 2 went about as I expected (other than Woods/Stricker played great). I don’t know what is going on in session 3 yet as I am watching on my DVR, but I think Corey Pavin has done a marvelous job of manipulating the parings…especially with his pairings and format choices for session 3. If the US doesn’t win, it’s not because he made a mistake.

I think fatigue is going to affect the US team more because as you get tired, you get more crooked off the tee and less precise into the green. The US started in a deficit in this area and it may rear it’s ugly head in session 3. That is the only chance Europe has.

If the US can survive session 3 and still have the lead or be tied, they will win The Ryder Cup.

BTW, Sergio is a dork,..LOL

Ryder Cup Session 1 Part 2

The next time I am in the middle of a slow round of golf because the group in front of me won’t pull the trigger, I am going to get on a plane (I don’t care if I have to go all the way to Mauritius), find Ross Fisher and punch him in the face.

It took Fisher, Poulter, Woods and Stricker 2:45 to play 8 holes. The fact they had ball in hand and it was the Ryder Cup was no excuse. Between Fisher’s regular tortugal pace, Poulter reading putts from 360 angles and Tiger shadow boxing with his swing, they are not going to finish these matches before the matches at Medinah in 2012. That must be the reason they were moved back from being the first group in session 2.

On a side note, Watson and especially Overton flourished in this format as I had expected and hoped. I was disappointed in Johnson and I am sorry to say I expect Overton and Watson to struggle mightily in the alternate shot, as well as Mickelson/Johnson and Woods/Stricker.

Tiger, stop working on swing path and just hit the ball. If you want to work on something, STOOOOOOOOOOOOP DIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!