Archive for October 18th, 2010


As usual, I get hate email telling me I am full of BS, have no clue, etc., etc., etc.

That is probably true, but all of these emails have one thing in common…they misrepresent what I say.

“You are an idiot if you think lag is bad, look at your own swing video.”

Those are my favorites.

“Your idea of release is a cast.”

A close second

If you watch Jim Furyk, Ricky Folwer and Kenny Perry…or Miller Barber, Lee Trevino and even a guy like Eamon Darcy, there is only one conclusion. There are infinite ways to swing a golf club and score low.

What I am trying to say is there is only wrong ways to do things. I know psychologists say telling yourself not to do something is a double negative your brain doesn’t understand.

e.g. “Don’t hit it in the water,” will make you hit it in the water, but I am talking about something different.

My idea of the golf swing is for individuals to figure out what terrible thing(s) they are doing that is preventing them from getting better and eliminate it.

I am trying to promote a natural body motion approach to things and illustrate guides to use as a starting point. Here is where I think I have a good thing going.

I provide tons of overlapping and often redundant information for a really important reason. Everyone processes information differently.

Let’s take an example of ending the back swing with the end of the shoulder turn, because extra arm and hand swing is bad for almost all golfers. One golfer might find that if they try and take a half back swing, that works for them. While golfer #2 decides if he thinks of the intro to an old Baywatch episode, where pre-Tommie Lee Pamela Anderson runs bouncing down the beach…that is what helps him complete this task because the heavy breathing keeps his arms from over taking his shoulder turn.

The object is to figure out what works for you, starting with a basic guide and not an arbitrary perfect standard.

Almost everyone of my students and I have an email dialogue after their online lessons where we discuss feels and ideas that free them up, until we arrive at something that both feels good and works well.

If Jim Furyk feels like he swings like Hogan, we can arrive at two conclusions. What you feel is not exactly what you do…and…

THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!