Archive for October 29th, 2010

I got the answer I was looking for.

In a nutshell someone sent me an email that said my inquiries come off as whiny and pandering. Not my intent, but definitely the result.

Free wordpress blog, separate free message board, unclear and less than mediocre teaching site…all terrible. Unorganized videos and thoughts and no clear theory or path to better golf.

All correct.

I am going to continue to do this blog for the time being and an occasional video. However, I have already taken the first step in creating an awesome site that will be interactive and create a community, as well as a more coherent display of my ideas about the swing and how to get better. Don’t know how long it will take, or exactly what it will be like, but I am going to do it right this time.

I had no idea about there being a “Swing Surgeon” until after the site was completed. This time, I am going for my own brand. Monte Scheinblum long drive champion, pro golfer and instructor extraordinaire…LOL.

I want golf to be fun and much easier than it is now…and if I can be financially successful as a result…all the better. 😀

This is what we need. More interaction.

I really want to build something here. I think I have a more fun and simpler approach to golf, but am finding it difficult to expand my sphere of influence.

First, more interaction on the message board. Here is a link to what a reader posted yesterday. Read it, watch it and please comment…or start your own thread.


Assuming all of you like my ideas on the golf swing and the stories I tell…I don’t understand a few things.

1. Why the readership of the blog has kind of leveled off and even fallen a bit?

2. Why the participation for comments and questions on the blog and message board is so small considering how many readers there are?

3. Why the turnout on the website for lessons was modest?

4. Why the interest in the book of stories from my career was so pathetically low?

I realize the economy has something to do with 3 and 4, but that doesn’t explain it all.