Archive for October 20th, 2010

The best shot of my career. An unbelievable hole in one caught on film.

This happened about a year ago and I have been waiting for the right time to unveil it. Now is as good of a time as any. (If you don’t want to read my blather filled rant, just scroll down to the video and send this link to everyone you know.)

I have tried to get you guys to viral more people to the blog with great talk of golf, videos and stories…to no avail.

There has been a moderate turnout on my teaching website, but an appalling lack of interest in the book that is filled with way more than $9.95 worth of entertainment. You cheapskates!!!…after all the free info I have given you…LOL.

If what follows doesn’t work to get me more exposure, I have to say the golfing public is way too hard to impress and maybe I should just roll with the company line. Come up with a jacked up swing system promising 50 more yards off the tee and a double digit handicap reduction in 2 months with a DVD set costing $199 and a “Long Hitting” Bible for $49.95…you know, lie for profit like everyone else.

This video is real…watch it, buy my book, go to my website and book a lesson (LINK) and send the link to this blog and video to everyone in your email address book and facebook account. The soft cell hasn’t worked, so I am going hard sell now, because if you guys don’t help me out, I will have to get a real job and won’t have time to write this free blog for you anymore…and if you are new to the blog, scroll down, you will enjoy the articles and videos. There has been a new one almost every day for a year.

PS-All kidding aside, this really is real and for those of you unfamiliar with my sense of humor, everything I wrote is true, but I am not nearly as bitter as I sound…especially if I sell a boatload of copies of my book and get thousands of hits on the video. 😀

EDITED: I woke up to find skepticism and I would have been skeptical myself. My only defense is don’t you think I would have done a better job on the edit if it was fake?…and the acting was so bad, how could it not be real. The two cameramen were not golfers and one of them was a grumpy ******* and didn’t want to be there. Don’t think they know what they saw. I don’t think anyone doubts I could hit it that far, so it’s really not a stretch.