Archive for October 3rd, 2010

Session 3 part 2

My two bit opinion.

Watching Ross Fisher and Padraig Harrington play golf was like watching snails mate. Playing with them must have been like being tied down in the shallow end of a pool while a never ending morass of people stand in line to kick you in the groin.

You can see all of the blows coming in slow motion, there is nothing you can do about it, but take it.

It is my opinion that this tactic by Fisher and Harrington, not only took their opponents out of rhythm, but the Americans playing in the groups behind them.

If/when Europe wins the Ryder Cup tomorrow, I believe Fisher is the MVP. His great play and slow play, slowed down the Americans.

This is not an excuse, because they could have looked past it. The long hours of slow play and rain delays have worn the Americans out. I myself have allowed a playing partner to annoy me into not playing my best with slow play and I recognized the look on the faces of all the Americans.

Now that I have made that comment I can say even in my more mature state of mind, I would have probably melted down having to watch that joke of a display of slow play.

Kudos to Fisher, but I still want to punch him in the face. As I do Ben Crane when I watch him and most especially all of the mini-tour pros and amateur golfers taking themselves too seriously in all of the groups playing in front of me.

It’s not rocket science. Find the yardage (line of a putt), pick a club and PULL THE ******* TRIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Montgomerie should put Fisher and Harrington out first and second.

My 483rd slow play rant over.

I think the US will mount it’s almost usual singles comeback tomorrow, but come up short. I stand by my 15-13 in favor of Europe pick.