The response to the video.

I expected a lot of skepticism. Actually, I expected more than I got.

As far as the bad acting…the cameraman, if you met him, is that way when he is having a conversation.

As far as my bad acting…if you knew how many times I have driven the green and thought it was in, only to find the ball short in the sand or in the rough just over the green, you would understand my reaction…or lack thereof.

I was stunned to find the ball in the hole.

All that being said, I would have called BS if this was someone else. I would have said this.

4 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Paul on October 21, 2010 at 10:32 am

    Oh, my God, this is funny! I just did a spit-take all over my computer. I going to post this vid on my FB page at the appropriate time.


  2. Posted by Paul on October 21, 2010 at 10:52 am

    Thought I’d share with everyone my fantasy press conference:

    Saturday, after the third round at The Masters
    (Lots of clamoring, jostling, camera flashes going off)

    Q: Paul, Paul, here, here…
    A: (Points) Yes, in the back row…
    Q: How did you shoot that 59 today in these tough conditions?
    A: I missed a birdie putt on 18 for a 58.


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